Friday, March 26, 2010

My thoughts on healthcare

Many of you who know me, understand how conservative I am so it is no surprise how against I am of the new health care "reform" that has recently passed. I am against taking away the right to chose (let's be honest, that is EXACTLY what Obama is doing-- taking away our choice of whether or not to get health-care)

So here are a few thoughts on what I think WE could all do to help America have better health care. I get that this would all only happen in a perfect world... but hey, a girl can dream, right?!

First off.... Americans are fat. We are. Just admit it. I have accepted that, so you should too. I was once super large... and I could sit here and blame it on genetics or something, but most of it came down to my own lifestyle. I was lazy and liked to eat... a lot. So you put those two together, what do you get? Weight gain.

So we as Americans need to take our health MORE seriously! I am a firm believe that Medicare wouldn't be in such disarray if it weren't for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases that clog up the whole system (both are obesity related diseases). So we need to take "health-care" in our own hands.

I can tell you first hand the benefits of going from super lazy and obese to a healthy weight and in good shape. Is it easy? HECK NO! I have to literally schedule an hour in my day (which is hard working full time and school full time) to work out. I have to map out and plan my meals to ensure I am getting the lean proteins and vegetables and all that other jazz that I need to stay fit. But man oh man, it feels amazing after you run for an hour and feel that accomplishment. And after I eat a delicious and healthy salad, I can just feel the good energy that makes my body feel so much better.

My asthma is almost completely gone now. Growing up, I had to go to an asthma doctor once a week because it was so bad. Once I began working out daily, it slowly faded. I took my own heath into my own hands. Many problems that Americans face are due to their own lifestyle. The government can't control that-- Only YOU can!

I am not saying that by taking care of our bodies that we will never have to see a doctor again, we all need our checkups and stuff... but I know it would allow us to be sick less frequent. Just think that if we as Americans took care of ourselves and truly treated our bodies as temples, of how many diseases would be diminished and cancers would be less frequent? It's a real possibility! So my challenge to you is to break out your running shoes and go for a walk around the block and to go through your fridge and throw out the junk! Start taking your health into your own hands... something the government should NOT control! Do it... I triple dare you!


Sarah said...

cami! i so agree with this. if the government wants to reform health care they should get all the politics out of what they recommend (or don't recommend) the american people to eat. it disgusts me! no one bothers to tell people that they are causing their own problems by what they are putting in their mouths because if they did hospitals, the sugar companies, the pill companies, and the meat companies would lose money. ugh!!!! thanks for this post. i get pretty fired up about this too.

Angela S said...

I agree, eating and exercising doesn't eliminate all problems but it eliminates the many related to over eating and not moving around. That alone can save tons of money!

I was listening briefly to something about student loan reform today and it brought up similar thoughts...We have come to expect higher standards of living such as those we had when our parents were footing the bill. So many get to school and spend more than is necessary on food, housing, clothes, entertainment and most of all going to school's they cannot afford. If more students acted like students, saved their money, didn't eat out, and did community college first and then went to a school with lower tuition compared to other schools then they'd need fewer student loans. What I do not understand is people graduating after four years with 50K in debt, or even half that amount. I understand many pay their own way through school but if you're going to take out that much debt you need to have a plan to pay it back. Having banks write off and forgive loans isn't the answer.

We need to take responsibility for our lives, decisions, health care and education. It is NOT the governments responsibility (or right) to forgive us of our mortgages, student loans or provide us health care.

Ok rant over.

Mellie said...

I liked your post Cami. I feel like there is sooo much misinformation out there about nutrition. I find it ridiculous when I see commercials advertising high fructose corn syrup as healthful and Nutella as a nutritious snack. Such blatant lies!

Shaun and Kelli said...

Well said Cami. It's sad that so many people don't agree with this and their minds are so brainwashed into thinking that they deserve more when they did it to themselves in the first place. You are such an example of this and how it can really change your life, especially with your asthma. My favorite quote from watching "biggest loser" this season is when they keep saying, "take control of your body and get it back!" It's amazing what can happen when we let our body take care of itself and stop giving into temptations and addictions. It's also funny to me how Satan's plan just creeps itself into our world and we are letting him do it!